Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


State Agencies Making Educational Organizations Affordable

Photo: Michael Bobbitt/Mass Cultural Council

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A new state program allows families, regardless of income, to have access to more than 400 educational and cultural organizations across Massachusetts. 

 The Card To Culture program, backed by the Mass Cultural Council, will allow customers enrolled in state assistance programs to use payment methods such as EBT, WIC, and Connector Care cards for full payment or large discounts at institutions like museums and the zoo.

Michael Bobbitt, the executive director of the Mass Cultural Council, said low income and working families should be able to enjoy these opportunities as they can be a reliever to stress and anxiety.

“If they are already on these cards why can’t we work with our cultural sector to see if those people on those programs can also get some sort of discount or free ticket to cultural organizations,” Bobbitt told WBZ NewsRadio.

“We know that arts and culture can support people’s mental health issues, and also their loneliness issues, and so this is a way we can support that.”

WBZ NewsRadio’s Nichole Davis (@NicholeDWBZ) reports.

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