Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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SHOCKING: "Several boats a week" dropping off UNVETTED illegals on Californ

The Biden-Harris administration claims that illegal immigration is down, but San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond joins Glenn to expose the reality in southern California. From September 2023 to June 2024, Border Patrol dropped off 155,000 illegal immigrants into the county, he argues. But although this suspiciously stopped right before the election heated up, Desmond says that tons of illegals are still being shipped out of the city every day by bus to Arizona and every week by plane to Texas. And to make matters worse, “several boats a week” have been dropping off UNVETTED illegal immigrants into San Diego County for months. We have no idea who these people are, he argues, and thanks to California’s sanctuary state laws, local law enforcement can’t do anything about it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's see. We have Jim Desmond on with us.

I look at what's happening at our border. And they keep saying that they've gotten it under control.

Now they're trying to convince people, that it's, you know, lower numbers coming across, than when Trump was in office.

This is absolutely not true. So we have the supervisor for San Diego.

He's on with us. He is the county supervisor, and he has information on Border Patrol. On something that is, you know, now apparently happening, again on our border.

Welcome, Jim.

JIM: Glenn, thanks for having me this morning.

GLENN: You bet. So tell me what the Border Patrol informed you of.

JIM: Well, the numbers are down, but from record highs.


JIM: We still have more capacity. More people coming across the border, than we can actually handle here in San Diego County.

Or in the San Diego sector.

And what happens, you know, from September of last year. Until June of this year.

The Border Patrol dropped off over 155,000 people. To send sound bite streets of San Diego County.

GLENN: 155,000?

JIM: Yes. Absolutely.

They dropped off over that nine-month period of time.

And we had to absorb them. Or most of them left. And went to other parts of the country.

So they were just dropping off the excess here. In our -- in our transit stations here in San Diego County.

That stopped in June.

But what they have been doing every since, is we're still taking more people in that we can manage here.

There's about three buses a day. That they're taking migrants. Border Patrol is taking migrants in Yuma, Arizona, which is right outside the California/Arizona line. So about three buses per day, and they have about three to four flights per week, leaving San Diego, going to Texas.

Primarily McAllen, Texas.

So it's just smoke and mirrors. What they're doing is they're taking these numbers. They're no longer putting them on our streets.

Which is very in the open. And press and everything else.

Had access to that. And they're hiding them by busing them to Arizona or flying them to Texas.

GLENN: Well, I want to thank. I want to thank them for that. This is -- I mean, if -- if Trump doesn't win, what do you think is coming our way, Jim?

JIM: Well, I think it will go back to where it was before. Where we got several hundred dropped off each day, here in San Diego County.

And unfortunately, we became the number one spot for border crossings.

Or the number one spot for fentanyl.

We're up in one of the top spots for human trafficking.

You know, all of these things we don't want.

It's in June, right before the election, as far as the street drop-offs. That was the most visible thing that we could see.

I think unfortunately, we will go back to the mayhem we had, in the last -- you know, previous months. Where they were just dropping off more and more people, here in San Diego County.

That's what I hear.

GLENN: So you are a county supervisor.

What can you do, if anything?

JIM: Not much. Other than reporting it. What's happening.

And of you with the other things, what's happening here, in San Diego County.

We're getting several boats. A week. Just, where people run up on to our shores.

With boats. And smugglers. And people just getting off the votes. And walking into the -- our neighborhoods. And they just abandon the boats on the beach.

Those people aren't even checked or go through Border Patrol.

They're not fingerprinted. We have slightly no idea.

And that's been happening for months. And if you remember 9/11, was only a couple dozen people. Well, two votes say couple dozen people, coming on to our shores.

And that's happening, you know, several times a week, where we have these people, just completely unaccounted for.

GLENN: It is crazy. Let me play something here that came from Dr. Phil.

This -- he is talking to a special agent with ICE.

It's cut ten.

VOICE: So you're telling me that DHS has acknowledged that Venezuela, for example, is empty in their prisons. And their rehabilitation centers, with the understanding that you get out, if you leave here, and go to the United States?


VOICE: And DHS has in writing said, we know that's happening. We know they're coming here. We're processing them in. And have no idea where they are?

VOICE: Correct.

VOICE: How many people are we talking about?

VOICE: Millions, and in just Venezuela alone.

GLENN: How does a country survive that? How does a country survive that? How does San Diego survive that?

JIM: We don't. We're getting overrun.

And to be honest with you, the state of California, say sanctuary state.

Which means, that our local laughter cannot enforce immigration law.

So even these people that are getting off the boats and walking into you're neighborhoods.

Local laughter can't do a thing about it. They pull somebody over.

They can't ask them about their immigration status. And so, you know, we're a sanctuary state because of that. There's very little, you know, locally, that anybody can do about this stuff.

So that -- one of the issues. The other thing, that the federal government just did to us, recently.

They gave us $19 million for a migrant processing center, here in San Diego County.

Right after the -- right after the June drop-offs.

They gave us $19 million.

And that's FEMA dollars. That could have been going to hurricane relief.

Right now, we're not using that money at all.

But it's 19 million FEMA dollars, sitting in our pockets, waiting for a migrant center. Which probably, if Kamala wins, we will have to put up right away.

GLENN: Jeez. God bless you, Jim.

Thank you for breaking this news. I appreciate your courage. Thank you.

JIM: Glenn, thanks for putting it out there. I love it.

GLENN: You bet. That's county supervisor from San Diego. Jim Desmond, who posted, I think it was, what?

Last night, or the night before, about what's happening now. They are flying them out.

Flying them out!

Congratulations, Arizona. You get some. Texas, you get some.

STU: It's like Oprah.

Everyone has some under their chair. Congratulations.

GLENN: Actually probably -- kind of like literally that.


Oh, man.

STU: Disturbing.

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