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'Bigger Than Watergate': How Stacey Abrams Was Gifted $7 BILLION of YOUR Mo

In a SHOCKING potential scandal that rivals Watergate, The Biden-Harris administration appears to have funneled $7 BILLION of YOUR tax dollars into a ghost fund—the United Climate Fund—tied to a $20 BILLION jackpot from the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. Spoiler: It’s got nothing to do with inflation. From Stacey Abrams’ shady Power Forward Communities (raising just $100 before scoring BILLIONS from Biden) to an EPA whistleblower spilling the truth—this was a desperate cash dump to benefit Democrat allies before Trump took office. Where did the money go? A black hole of legal fees, vague solar promises, and political insiders. When you break it all down, this amounts to $240 stolen from every American family—groceries, gas, your children's school supplies, gone. People MUST be held accountable for this.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So let me tear this story apart. And let's just start with what happened.

This happened last spring. Okay?

The lame duck the presidency. Right around the same time, of the story that I talked about last hour, about the auto-pen scandal. Apparently, everything that Biden signed was done by auto-pen, except for him saying I'm not going to run. That's weird, isn't it? So right around that same time, April 2024, the Biden/Harris administration. Via the EPA. Handed over $7 billion of your money. To a ghost, called the united climate fund. Oh, that's a good name.

Oh, therefore, the climate.

Now, $7 billion. That's not the real story. This is all part of a 20 billion jackpot from the green house gas reduction fund.

That was tacked in and tucked in, so you couldn't really find it in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act happened in nothing to do with reducing inflation.


It was a scam! So it was all about the green thing. They sold us climate salvation. But what it really was, was robbery.


This fund wasn't some titan of green innovation. Like, we -- we have dedicated our whole lives. It popped up in Delaware. Hmm! On November 30th, 2022.

It was barely five months old, when the cash started to flow. Okay? Its tax filings, a complete disgrace. Its first year, it had $547,000 in revenue.

It blew through and torched 451 of those things in two months. $451,000 in two months!

Then 323,000 just vanished in other expenses! I mean, it's a black hole.

No explanation. Just, I don't need to tell you!

The legal fees gobbled up more. The vague promises of $50 million in solar projects, that's what they were saying.

Well, we're $50 million. Where was any of that?

Then the mask slips off. We find out, that they were funneling cash to power forward communities.

Oh, God. Don't just some of the names of some of these organizations just piss you off. If somebody came to you and said, I'm for power forward communities. I would slam the door in your face. Not interested!

All right. That thing is tied to Stacey Abrams. Huh. So a political insider gets a bunch of money, because she's the teacher's pet. No transparency on that. No accountability. It's just a show. Stacey Abrams. This Power Forward Communities, if you thought the other one was a sham, she had only raised $100. One hundred dollars! Not 100,000!

$100! You could get that from the guy who is begging on the street, if you want to rob him. I'll bet you, if he spends a couple of days, just at a street corner. He's got 100 bucks. Maybe even a day. That's all she could raise for her own organization.

And then suddenly, Biden comes in and is like, it's $2 billion. Oh. That seems right!

So there's no transparency. There's no accountability. In December, it was Project Veritas that caught an EPA official spilling the truth on this one. He said, this was an insurance policy against Trump winning. Now, what does that mean?

What does that mean?

So all it was, was a desperate cash dump, before the clock ran out. They're giving it to their friends. Why?

Now, under the, you know, department of government officials. DOGE. They blew the lid off of this thing. The $20 billion was stashed at Citibank. It's being clawed back now by the government.

It isn't incompetence.

It's calculated theft. That's what it is. Theft of your money, your labor. Your nation, quite honestly.

So now, that's what happened. Now, here's what it means.

And let me give you some historic perspective, here. I want you to feel this in your gut. And it will sound like no big deal. I want you to really understand what this just one piece means directly to you. $7 billion.

Is $20 per American. Not taxpayer.

Per American!

Family of four. When you tally in the full $20 billion. That's $240, that's just gone from your bank account.

Actually not. Because take $240 per family. And then just add the interest rate, that we will be paying China for that borrowed cash. It will be a lot more than that. That's grocery, gas. Your kid's school supplies. Gone.

Where did it go?

Stacey Abraham's big pockets. And she's a big person. So she has big pockets.

Now, if you even have Stacey Abrams size pockets. That's not pocket change.

Historically, this dwarfs -- oh, did he just use the word dwarf?

Yes, I did. Dwarfs scandals, that we have learned.

I don't even remember where it was. The tee pot dome scandal.

When did it happen, kids?


Can anybody tell me what it was?

No. You just told me to memorize the date when it happened. I know it happened in the '20s. I don't know anything else about it! In adjusted dollars, the Teapot Dome Scandal, that we are told, we must memorize, that cost in today's adjusted dollars, 400 million!

400 million, and we're still teaching about that scandal.

This is 20 billion! Okay.

That kind of -- I mean, really, you look at the tee pot dome scandal now, and your kids should be like, rookies!

Watergate was a break-in.

Jail time.

Prison. Break-in. It wasn't a billion dollar siphon. No. There was no money stolen. Nothing happened in Watergate. Prison time.

You know, the savings and loan scandal? George Bush's brother was involved. Yeah. He was. Yeah, he was.

And it -- that scandal was 160 billion. Over ten years!

This is 20 billion, like in a day! Hey, you know what, call her up. Can we get the EPA on the phone? I have $20 billion. Okay.

So I don't know. That's kind of fast. But we have AI now. Should be a little faster!

So this is your money, your voice, gone. Constitution, article one, section nine. It talks -- no dollar will leave the Treasury without law!

Law for us, apparently not for them. So remember, you're still working today, every dollar you're going to make, at work today, is going to go to the federal government.

When you break it out over a year, you will be working, I think it's this year until April 19th, from January 1st with be to April 19th, just to pay your taxes!

And what happened to those dollars, that you've worked from January 1st to April 19th this year?

I don't know. Stacey Abrams stuffed it in her big butt someplace, and money is shooting out.

To whom?

I don't know! I don't know.

I worked hard for my money. What did Stacey Abrams do for her.

Okay. So who is involved. Who might be involved.

Well, Biden/Harris. Because they signed off on this.

Kamala Harris, said, this was her legacy. The green house gas reduction fund.

All right. So, good. Let's make sure she understands that's her legacy. Now, the EPA chief under Biden, Michael Reagan. He was the bag man, he's the guy who doled out the millions. The Climate United Fund, their officers, I don't know.

I don't know. Scooby-Doo van, we're sending it out. The kids are going to be able to unmask him eventually. But I don't know, Scooby is kind of old at this point.

Even the Scooby snacks didn't keep him in that van very long. But their tax forms are hiding all of the names of the officers. So we don't really know, but Abrams' Power Forward?

That one -- what is that smell? It smells like rotting garbage. No, uh-uh, that's Stacey Abrams Power Forward.

Citibank held all the loop. No foul play proven yet, but they are in the frame. And Citibank, if you did anything wrong, I pray to God, we come and get you too. The EPA whistle-blower, he's a cog. But in their words, it's a cabal, at the very top, that knew that this was just preelection cash. That's all it was. If you're a Democrat. All the money that you sent in. What was it?

A trillion dollars that people donated. And you kind of went, where did that money go?

Yeah. It lined the pockets. It's in Stacey Abrams butt some place.

I think it is. I don't know for a fact that that's where she keeps it. But it's kind of a big butt. So who else is involved?

Dig a little deeper here. Who else is involved?

Well, the Obama era loyalists. Can't wait to tell you about that. Climate grifters.

Congressional enablers. Theater ones who slipped this into the wall.

The DOGE crew.

The head of the EPA now. Lee Zeldin.

I love you! They got the scalpel out. It's kind of sharp. Justice, and the inspector general, going to name names. Or at least that is what they say. Understand, it's not a lone wolf.

Uh-uh. This is whole pack. And they've been feeding on the American carcass. They have blood all over their face. I think we should go wolf hunting, myself.

Now, who could possibly be against tracking this down?

Because not everybody is cheering DOGE and Elon Musk. In fact, he's a Nazi. Did you hear that?

Oh. We don't have Nazis around here. I haven't heard anybody, call anybody a Nazi, ever.

Okay. So it's going to be the entrenched. The Deep Staters. That are going to fight tooth and nail on this.

They might even break out in -- we shall overcome. Good God. It's not 1965. Shut up!

Anyway, they might break out in song.

I don't know. But the climate lobby, these NGOs. The green tech firms. The banks!

Billions of dollars. And they're all going to say, but the planet is in peril!

And that's why we don't know what would burn down. That's why we wanted to keep it someplace moist, like Stacey Abrams butt!

Uh-huh. Now, the democratic operatives, that are tied to Abrams, and Joe Biden, yeah. They're not -- they're not happy about this. Because they're going to be exposed.

But they're -- here's what's going to be exposed: The Patrogen (phonetic) Network. That's their life blood. Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever said this? Because I have. Where the hell are the Republican billionaires?

Doesn't it seem like everybody -- anybody who wants to, you know, destroy the country. They've got billions of dollars behind them, right?

And you're like, you know what, the billionaires, on the left. They just give all this money.


You've been giving all of this money. They've been funneling your money, in the -- to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, to these people that want to destroy America.

That's what's been going on.

And then you have the bureaucrats and the EPA and the government. I mean, the careerists, who would rather -- they would rather just go down with a fight.

Because they will lose their fiefdom. And their power. And survival. And the money and everything else.

Look, $20 billion.

A slush fund, buys an awful lot of loyalty, influence, votes.

You rip that away, and the empire crumbles. Well, it doesn't crumble. But it's a good hit to that. Because there's hundreds of billions that are in these slush funds. And the big banks like Citibank, I think they're quietly squirming. We have nothing to do with -- uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Yeah. That's what the banks of the mob says!

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