Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Fort Lauderdale Police Investigate Bomb Threat At Elbo Room

Fort Lauderdale, FL - Authorities are looking into a bomb threat made Tuesday afternoon at the Elbo Room on South Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard. Fort Lauderdale Police and Bomb Squad teams arrived at the scene to investigate.

Officials stated that the threat was linked to a repeat caller with a history of making unreliable reports.

While law enforcement took precautions, authorities have indicated that there is no credible danger. 

No injuries have been reported, and the investigation is ongoing.

In Florida, making a false bomb threat is a serious offense.

Under Florida Statute 790.163, falsely reporting a bomb threat is a second-degree felony, which can lead to up to 15 years in prison, 15 years of probation, and a $10,000 fineif convicted.

Law enforcement is working to determine whether charges will be filed against the caller.

A time bomb

Photo: Yagi Studio / DigitalVision / Getty Images

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