Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


My Epic Weekend In Pictures St. Patrick's Day Weekend

This year I drove up to Boston and saw my parents along with some friends. For the past probably 20+ years my family has hosted a fun St. Patrick's Day Party. Before the pandemic, some years we got upwards of 100 people showing up at our house. We've had so many fun, wonderful and at times hilarious memories from these parties. We never even had to invite folks over to the house. We just put up a flag that says "The Bar Is Open," and then boom. One by one throughout the day so many friends and family would come over to see us. Many years my parents will cook 20 pounds of corned beef. This year, we skipped having the party. My parents just didn't have it in their hearts at all this year, and I don't blame them at all. Our first St. Patrick's Day weekend without my sister Zannie was not fun nor easy. A couple weeks ago when I told Padre my plans to return St. Patrick's Day Weekend he actually said "Why? Steve a party isn't even on our radar or list right now." I told them that was totally understandable, I still wanted to come home and see them. This was my first time back up there since my sister Suzanne's services. Thursday night I told Padre that my hope was to drive up Friday afternoon but couldn't make any guarantees. I've had a pretty nasty sinus infection last week. I still wanted to make it up Friday afternoon instead of Saturday morning.

I was able to make it up Friday morning in 4 hours 5 minutes, not bad at all! Friday afternoons you sometimes don't know what to expect. I was able to get up to my parents by 4:30, and go with Padre over to local brewery Bog Iron in nearby Norton, Ma. Even though my sinuses were rough, the Soul Cellar hazy IPA still tasted delicious. Padre and Liz made the decision it was only right that I have my beer in Zannie's UNH glass. We'll just forever try to honor her in anyway possible. Friday night we had pizza from Mansfield's Stefano's, who were terrific as always. Success!

Saturday we ventured out to Six String Grill at Patriots Place Mall near Gillette Stadium. When the restaurant was Toby Keith almost 15 years ago I went there more often. They've been Six String for well over 10 years, I hate to admit this was my first time being in there since the switch. Our bestie from home Steph was the terrific organizer in this. She invited everyone, and we were able to meet her boyfriend Jim who is really terrific. We hit it off immediately. Good dude. Besties Laura and Rob came out with their kids Audrey and Drew, which was great for me and my parents to see. I'm trying to get my parents out and with family / friends whenever possible. I'm grateful our friends did help give us some laughs sometimes.

Often, you'll just see either Madre, Padre, or me just randomly start to tear up. You never know when to expect it. We're all so close. My parents said there are likely 50 things everyday that can trigger us, and I think they're right.

They had a huge turnout at Six String! Their staff was very well manned and equipped for it. You never had to wait too long at all for a Guinness, I'll give them that! They also had such a beautiful tribute display to Dollar Parton, where the entire display was nothing but guitar pics!

Saturday night we went out to Catman Cafe in Mansfield with Uncle Leisure Paul, Aunty Donna, Aunty Soup, JDawg, with Madre and Padre. Uncle Leisure Paul was a great sport as we were all busting on him all night for a recent written driving warning he received. We were definitely having some fun and making some jokes at his expense. He gave all of us much needed and appreciated laughs.

Saturday morning I was able to go see Grammy, give flowers to her and Aunty Donna. Sunday morning I was able to give flowers to Madre and Aunty Peg. My Auntys have been so amazing sweet and supportive. I'm so beyond blessed to have them. My family has been so supportive helping me and my parents through this.

Sunday it was just me, Madre and Padre. We went to Flynn's in Mansfield for brunch and they were terrific. They were very well staffed and we never had to wait long. Our timing was perfect getting to get the last possible table. Plus, we weren't the closest table to the live music performer which was also a relief.

Monday I did an early quick lunch with my parents. I only did half a cup of New England Clam Chowder, that's all I could do.

Monday night I was back at The Irish Cottage Inn, making my St. Patrick's Day Weekend pretty full circle from Mansfield, MA to Franklin, NJ. The Cottage also did a great job with staffing. They usually had 3-4 bartenders at most times, despite the big crowds the wait was never too long at all. It was great to see happy people who just wanted to celebrate the holiday.

I was in bed by 9, watched the first hour of our iHeartRadio Music Awards. I loved the speech by Lady Gaga, then pretty much was burnt out and passed out by then.

Today I finally after a week + went to the doctor. I now have antibiotics, hopefully we can start getting better from this pesky sinus infection very soon.

I need to get ready for next weekend! It's our spring annual food drive Backpack Snacks For Kids, where everything we collect stays local. Every town in Sussex County has kids below the poverty line. Assistance food programs help them stay fed during the week, but not enough during the weekends when they go hungry. That's why we do Backpack Snacks For Kids, so they won't go hungry on weekends.

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