Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


How’d the Warriors Lose to the Shorthanded Denver Nuggets?

Sacramento Kings v Golden State Warriors

Photo: Getty Images North America

Rob Parker: “You play 82 basketball games, there’s 365 days in a year. It’s shocking to me that people are tired. They eliminated a lot of the back to backs, they’ve done everything. The team’s got 10 masseuses, you’re getting rubbed down every night...now everybody is tired and Steph is tired? From what?”
Kelvin Washington: “Sometimes we forgot that Steph Curry is 37 years old. We think he’s 33 years old, no! He’s 37! I’m not mad at Steph needing a night off. There are certain players that have earned it. Steph’s been in the Finals like six times. He’s been a long way. That’s a bunch of extra seasons when you total all those playoff runs. He just played in the Olympics! There’s a handful of guys, I’m alright if they need some rest.”

On this edition of The Odd Couple with Rob Parker and Kelvin Washington, the guys discussed the Warriors loss to the Nuggets last night and the news that Steph Curry was going to take a game off for rest, and questioned if Golden State are real contenders or being a little overhyped after acquiring Jimmy Butler.

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