Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Bruce Pearl: We’re Not All Playing by the Same Rules

Photo: Andy Lyons

Auburn Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Bruce Pearl joins Doug Gottlieb on The Doug Gottlieb Show as he gets his Tigers ready for the first round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. He thinks we need some guardrails for N.I.L. in college athletics because it is giving bigger, more resourceful conferences a distinct advantage. They talk about their longtime friendship, the state of college basketball, and celebrate Bruce’s birthday.

Bruce Pearl: “All that’s happened is we have recognized, finally, that these student athletes are really of greater value than what they were really ever appreciated for. Everybody else was making money except the student athletes. That was wrong. The NCAA was slow to adjust. Now, of course, you know we have a situation where there are no guard-lines, there are no guardrails. We didn’t really have National Champion in football this year. Ohio State had the largest N.I.L., so did Texas, so did a couple of schools (and) they were the schools that advanced. And in basketball, it won’t quite mean the same because we’re not all playing by the same rules.”

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