Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Unbelievable!! Two Little Girls In Dresses Rebuild An Engine For Dad.

One dad is proving that there’s no limit to what little girls can do—whether it’s rebuilding an engine or casting a fishing line.

His TikTok channel, dedicated to empowering girls through practical skills, has gone viral, racking up millions of views as he teaches his daughters everything from car repairs to fishing.

What makes these videos even more heartwarming? The girls often tackle these hands-on tasks while dressed in their favorite princess dresses! Whether they’re covered in grease or holding a wrench, they love getting involved, showing that toughness and tiaras go hand in hand.

Viewers are loving the dynamic, with one commenter calling the dad “the richest man in the world.”

Another joked, “When the car breaks down, she’s gonna tell the boyfriend to stay in the car 😭”

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