Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Sac's Funding Expands Financial Coaching Services for Small Business Owners

The Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund (CFE Fund), a national nonprofit, has selected Sacramento as one of only seven locations to participate in its Small Business Boost (SBB) Initiative. As part of this, the city received a $90,000 grant to strengthen financial coaching services for small business owners and entrepreneurs through the Sacramento Financial Empowerment Center (FEC).

Listen: Amy Williamson, the City’s Financial Empowerment Manager.

Several local small business support organizations will participate in the grant outreach work. Entrepreneurs and small business owners can also schedule an appointment directly through the City’s website or by calling 916-808-4927. The appointment link and more information are available on the Sacramento Financial Empowerment Center website.


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