Photo: Moment RF
Do you live in the unhappiest city in all of California?
This city was named the least happy in the state (and one of the most unhappy in the country) due to high depression rates, lack of leisure time per day, and income growth rate to mention a couple factors. While "happiness" is often up to interpretation as the definition varies depending on the person, there are a handful of locations known for providing a less positive lifestyle than others.
According to a list compiled by Wallethub, the unhappiest city in California is San Bernardino.
Other U.S. cities that rank among the unhappiest include Cleveland, Ohio, Memphis, Tennessee, Birmingham, Alabama, Huntington, West Virginia, and Jackson, Mississippi to name a few.
Here's what Wallethub had to say about compiling the data to discover the happiest and unhappiest cities across America:
"WalletHub drew upon the various findings of positive-psychology research in order to determine which among more than 180 of the largest U.S. cities is home to the happiest people in America. We examined each city based on 29 key indicators of happiness, ranging from the depression rate to the income-growth rate to average leisure time spent per day."
Check out Wallethub for a continued list of the happiest and unhappiest cities in the nation!