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Houston Area Abortionist Arrested

Examination Table With Stirrups in Gynecologist's Office

Photo: Moment RF

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced today that a Houston-area woman has been arrested for operating multiple abortion clinics across the Houston area, illegally performing abortions, and practicing medicine without a license.

According to the AG's office, Maria Margarita Rojas, 48, a midwife known as "Dr. Maria," was arrested in Waller County after an investigation by the AG's Law Enforcement Division revealed that she owned and operated multiple clinics in the greater Houston area.

According to the AG's office, "These facilities unlawfully employed unlicensed individuals who falsely presented themselves as licensed medical professionals to provide medical treatment." She also allegedly performed illegal abortions in these clinics, violating the Texas Human Life Protection Act.

A temporary restraining order has also been filed to shut down Rojas's network of clinics, aiming to prevent any more illegal activity from occurring.

In a statement, Paxton said, "In Texas, life is sacred. I will always do everything in my power to protect the unborn, defend our state’s pro-life laws, and work to ensure that unlicensed individuals endangering the lives of women by performing illegal abortions are fully prosecuted."

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