Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Ever Seen "I, Robot?" Here's Where The Technology Has Advanced

If you haven't seen the movie "i, Robot" then you likely do not have the proper perspective for how we (humans) are actually coming along in this quest for automation. It's a good, it not a little creepy, movie. Another movie which deals with the topic in more ominous ways is "Terminator." What I find interesting about the "Terminator" theme is we are much more close to having machines augmented with artificial intelligence capable of ending human life right now, even though that series of flicks is decades older than the Will Smith movie, "i, Robot."

That's a real wordy way to intro the video, which is the latest, from Boston Dynamics. From time to time I drop in on their site to see what it's up to and here is the latest.

Here's the good news ... the machines have a ways to go.

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