Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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Ed Sheeran Debuted A New Song With Impromptu New Orleans Parade

2024/25 Paddy Power World Darts Championship - Day Six

Photo: James Fearn / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

Ed Sheeran surprised fans in New Orleans this weekend by debuting a new song, “Azizam,” on the streets of the French Quarter with the Soul Rebels.

Arriving in a black SUV, he told the crowd, “We’re gonna do one song here…we’re filming a bit of content… and then we’re going to do a parade.”

As sometimes happens with a live performance, there were small technical difficulties Ed had to deal with…like the wind whipping a heart-shaped balloon in his face, but he managed to perform “Azizam” nonetheless.

Afterward, he led a parade down Decatur Street, singing “I Don’t Care” and “Don’t” while pulling his amp like luggage. Then he played “Azizam” again and finished up with “Shape of You.”

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