Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Daughter Donates 25,000 Books To Sick Kids After Dad's Cancer Diagnosis

Box of Books

Photo: Grace Cary / Moment / Getty Images

Emily Bhatnagar felt sad and helpless when her dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, and she wanted to do something kind to help others who were going through tough times. As a result, she started a book drive for sick kids in hospitals. Fast forward to now, and Emily’s nonprofit For Love & Buttercup has donated over 25-thousand books to children’s hospitals around the country.

She started out using the neighborhood app Nextdoor to spread the word that she was looking for books, and she and her brother Michael would go door-to-door, collecting and sanitizing everyone so immunocompromised kids could enjoy them. That led to an Amazon wishlist, and now a full non-profit company that receives donations from authors and others.

Source: People

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