Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


College Hoops Got Right What the College Football Playoff Got Wrong

Photo: Patrick Smith

The NCAA Selection Committee is being criticized for giving the SEC so many at-large bids for the Men’s Basketball Tournament but Doug thinks that, unlike this year’s College Football Playoff, they got it right. If you look at which conferences spent the most in N.I.L., it matches pretty closely with the decisions made about which schools were included and which will be watching from home. The College Football Playoff was trying (and failing) to make everybody happy while the Tournament Selection Committee simply picked the best teams regardless of politics.

Doug Gottlieb: “That league (SEC) is a gauntlet because they spent more money on coaches, more money on facilities, more money on training, and more money on players. They have, overall, the better teams...If the goal of the College Football Playoff, much like the goal of the NCAA Tournament, is to find the best teams; college basketball got it right. College football got it wrong.”

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