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Beach Boxing Matches Draw Police Response In Spring Break Chaos

spring break on the beach

Photo: nito100 / iStock / Getty Images

Fort Lauderdale, FL - As spring breakers flood Fort Lauderdale Beach, rowdy behavior is already stirring concerns, with impromptu boxing matches emerging as an unexpected spectacle.

Residents allegedly witnessed and recorded beachgoers engaging in unsanctioned fights, claiming that some spectators were allegedly placing cryptocurrency-based bets on the matches.

Reports indicate the fights escalated as crowds gathered, with participants pulling out boxing gloves and forming makeshift rings.

Law enforcement was quick to respond, dispersing the fights before they could spiral out of control.

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department confirmed that officers intervened in two separate incidents, with crowds complying both times.

However, officials stated there was no verified evidence of betting activity, emphasizing that such disruptions will not be tolerated.

In an effort to maintain safety throughout the spring break season, Fort Lauderdale has enacted strict regulations, effective through April 12th.

The city has banned alcohol, coolers, tents, tables, and amplified music in high-traffic beach areas.

Additionally, law enforcement presence has been ramped up, including daily beach cleanups at 5:30 p.m., nighttime patrols in entertainment districts from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., and active beach enforcement from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

City officials encourage anyone witnessing disturbances to contact authorities immediately.

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