Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Bailey's Wait, Was That A Weekend? in 5 Pics

Friday night we had a show appearance at Dave & Busters and I got to meet a lot of neat people! And don't worry, I got in one game of ski-ball AND ate potstickers.

Afterwards, I went to go see two improv shows: my friend Justin in Attenborough, which is an improvised David Attenborough nature documentary, and my favorite improv group, The Bearded Company, for their B Movies run at Strike Theater.

Justin and I also hit up Dashfire between shows for fancy cocktails with our other improv friend, Allen.

Saturday was our second to last Speech tournament of the season! I watched two rounds of Original Oratory, and had two more students qualify for Nationals!

This weekend I saw two plays! Which Middle Name of Philip Seymour Hoffman Are You? from alleged theatre, that my friend Danylo was in. It was silly as per usual. And The Rainmaker at Lyric Arts in Anoka!

My mom and I sung Make Them Hear You in the church choir on Sunday!

Then we went to Beef O' Brady's in Andover for some green beer, and then to my dad's house afterwards for a family dinner (family outside of my mom not pictured here).

Capp for tax.

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Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
