Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Storm Damage Reported Throughout St. Louis Metro Area

At least two tornadoes have been confirmed in the St. Louis area, causing significant damage and leaving over 150,000 homes and businesses without power.

The severe weather, which included winds exceeding 70 miles per hour, damaged and destroyed multiple buildings across the region.

A State of Emergency has been declared for St. Louis County as officials assess the extent of the damage this morning.

Six homes in East St. Louis were damaged by fires due to heavy winds. NBC 5 reported homes near 18th Street and Tudor Avenue were damaged or destroyed by fires sparked by the damaging winds.

Ten deaths are confirmed from severe storms in Missouri. The State Highway Patrol confirming the deaths on their Facebook page.

Three people were killed in Ozark County in South central Missouri. One died in Butler County, and six in neighboring Wayne County in far Southeastern Missouri. One was killed in Jefferson County, in the St Louis metro area, just south of St Louis County.

A St. Louis County woman was found dead near powerlines in her backyard and the St. Louis County Police Department says it appears to be storm related. NBC 5 says police are investigating the death as a possible electrocution.

The Highway Patrol and local agencies say are working to assist those in need and assess the damage. Troopers urged residents to stay away from debris-filled areas, watch for downed power lines, and follow regional emergency services for localized updates.

The City of Florissant canceled the the Florissant St. Patrick's Parade & Festival in the aftermath of the storm. The Florissant St. Patrick's Parade & Festival said they made the call to cancel this weekend's events so community resources could help with the cleanup.

In a Facebook post, the organizers said, "We have neighbors whose homes were destroyed, parks that have been devastated, and many others in our community who don’t have power. The Duchesne Home Association fairgrounds itself sustained heavy damage as did the Old St. Ferdinand Shrine roof. After consulting with our committee and the City Administration we have decided that we have no other option but to cancel todays Mass and tomorrows celebrations to best utilize city services and help our neighbors in need."

The National Weather Service continues to issue warnings as the storm is expected to strengthen and move toward the Southeast where warnings have been underway across several states, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi.


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