Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


FL Cop Delivers Pizza After 8-Foot Gator Stops Driver

Pizza Hut in Louisiana

Photo: Shannon O'Hara / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Earlier this week, a pizza delivery worker in Bradenton, Florida, was delivering a pizza to residence when she was stopped by a police officer who warned her about an eight-foot alligator near the customer’s house. Bradenton Police Officer Michael Tolson had already contacted the fish and wildlife commission about the gator and suggested the worker take a different route to the house, but she was too scared of the large reptile and asked Tolson if he would get the pizza to the customer.

Despite being warned over the phone by a concerned neighbor, the homeowner stepped out of her front door only to be shocked when she realized the alligator was just a few feet away under her car in the driveway. The officer quickly directed her back inside before personally delivering her pizza to the home’s back door.

Moments later, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officers arrived and safely relocated the alligator. On Wednesday, the Bradenton Police Department shared video of the incident on social media, joking that the gator was moved away from both “the neighborhood (and Italian restaurants).” Further going above and beyond the call of duty, Officer Tolson took a picture of the gator, capturing the unforgettable moment for the homeowner.

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