Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Chuck Schumer Caves To Trump, No 'Schumer Shutdown'

A day after president Donald Trump called him a "Palestinian, that is no longer Jewish", Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer blinked, and announced that he -will- back Trump and will vote to keep the government open, thus avoiding a shutdown.

Speaking from the Senate floor, Schumer said quote: "I believe it is my job to make the best choice for the country to minimize the harms to the American people. Therefore, I will vote to keep the government open and not shut it down."

Schumer, who added that a shutdown would be "a gift for Donald Trump" also called for a one-month spending bill to keep the government open until April 11 so that Democrats can better negotiate a deal.

The Republican backed CR, which made it through the House on Tuesday on a nearly party-line vote of 217-213, would keep the government open for the next six months.

Senate Takes Up Budget Bill Passed By House As Funding Deadline Looms

Photo: Kayla Bartkowski / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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