Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Funny Street names

I saw a list this morning of some funny street names in the U.S. Link: https://www.rd.com/list/funniest-street-names/

Some of the interesting ones....

Texas: Hairy Man Road

Wyoming: Hobbit Hole

Maryland: Liquid Laughter Lane

Divorce Court in Pennsylvania

Pyscho Path  Michigan

Virginia: Red Rum Drive

Here's all 50 states

Alabama: Booger Hollow Road

Alaska: Yellowsnow Road

Arizona: Bucket of Blood Street

Arkansas: Farfrompoopen Road

California: Zzyzx Road

Colorado: A Dog Will Lick His Butt But Won’t Eat a Pickle Road

Connecticut: Drury Lane

Delaware: Slaughter Neck Road

Florida: I Dream of Jeannie Way

Georgia: Five Forks Trickum Road

Hawaii: Ma’ipalaoa Road

Idaho: Chicken Dinner Road

Illinois: Supreme Court

Indiana: Candy Castle Lane

Iowa: Burr Oak Court

Kansas: Gravy Train Lane

Kentucky: Billy Goat Strut Alley and Nanny Goat Strut Alley

Louisiana: Bozo Road

Maine: Uptha Road

Maryland: Liquid Laughter Lane

Massachusetts: Pleasant Street

Michigan: Psycho Path

Minnesota: Pig’s Eye Lake Road

Mississippi: Memory Lane

Missouri: Kangaroo Court

Montana: Story Street

Nebraska: Ninth and a Half Street

Nevada: Freshly Brewed Ct

New Hampshire: North Sandwich Road

New Jersey: Shades of Death Road

New Mexico: Big Foot Road

New York: The corner of Harding and Kerrigan Streets

North Carolina: Bomb Proof Road

North Dakota: Whinery Street

Ohio: Seldom Seen Road

Oklahoma: None Such Road

Oregon: Haviture Way

Pennsylvania: Divorce Court

Rhode Island: Leonard Jenard Drive

South Carolina: The corner of Whiskey Road and Easy Street

South Dakota: Kno Place

Tennessee: Stinking Creek Road

Texas: Hairy Man Road

Utah: Wayne’s World Drive

Vermont: No Name Road

Virginia: Red Rum Drive

Washington: Toe Jam Hill Road

West Virginia: Ocean View Drive

Wisconsin: Chicken in the Woods Road

Wyoming: Hobbit Hole


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