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Dan Beyer: It’s Over For Russell Wilson

AFC Wild Card Playoffs: Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens

Photo: Getty Images North America

Dan Beyer: “The headline right now is that Russell Wilson is going to meet with the Cleveland Browns and the New York Giants. I think on the surface, that sounds like it’s great news for Russell Wilson, that two teams are interested in his services. When you look at the list of free agents in the NFL, and you look at those that have signed and those that haven’t, there are far more players that have signed and found teams than haven’t. It’s not a good sign for Russell Wilson that he’s still available.”

On today’s edition of Covino & Rich, Dan Beyer and Aaron Torres sat in for the guys, and they react to reports that Russell Wilson is set to meet with the Cleveland Browns and New York Giants as he explores his next NFL destination.

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