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City of Grand Rapids to hold road construction kickoff event

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- The City of Grand Rapids will hold a Construction Season Kick-Off event on Tuesday, March 25 at Union High School.

It will give residents, business owners and community members a chance to learn more about upcoming road construction projects. It will run from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

City leaders say there will be engaging activities, food and an opportunity to connect with city staff and elected officials. Department resource tables will be available to ask questions.

Here are more details from the City of G.R. in a news release:

The informative evening takes place from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25 at Union High School, 1800 Tremont Blvd NW. Attendees should enter through Building L and park in the lot located on Beaumont DR NW.

City leaders have packed the evening with engaging activities, delicious food, and the chance for participants to connect with City staff and elected officials. Additional department resource tables will be available for community to receive speed services, ask questions, and learn about upcoming projects and efforts in their neighborhood. Participants will learn about six identified major street projects planned this year. Staff will be on hand to answer questions about these projects and provide timelines and anticipated impact to the various areas where work will commence. El Caribe will serve a free dinner of its authentic Caribbean cuisine from 5 to 5:30 p.m. and the Grand Rapids Public Library will offer age-friendly family activities, ensuring an inclusive experience for all ages. There will also be an opportunity for all ages to design a construction mascot. The selected winner will have their design featured in an upcoming social media post and the next edition of We are GR. The first 100 people through the door get a free construction stress cone.

“The 2025 construction season is now underway, and we’re here to help you fill in the potholes of knowledge,” said City Manager Mark Washington. “Whether you're interested in construction updates, learning about resources for your business, or simply curious about what’s coming to your neighborhood, this event is the perfect opportunity to get involved, stay informed and engage directly with our team. We want everyone to be better informed, prepared and excited for the improvements that will make Grand Rapids even better. This event is free and open to all, and we encourage everyone to attend. Come for the free dinner, stay for the knowledge and connections, and get ready for an exciting construction season ahead.”

Following the construction kickoff event, Mayor David LaGrand and the City Commission encourages those visiting to stick around for the first Commission Night Out meeting of 2025 at 7 p.m. The City Commission meeting will air on Comcast Channel 26 and be live streamed on the City of Grand Rapids Facebook page and YouTube channel.

For more information about the Construction Season Kick-Off event visit:


For more information about upcoming road construction, please visit grandrapidsmi.gov/roadconstruction.



Photo: Source: City of Grand Rapids

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