After a 4-year break, what do you know? The far left New York Times now says it's going to start fact-checking the White House again. This, after taking off the last four years to cover for Joe Biden.
"I thought that journalism meant we were always fact-checking, but apparently not at the New York Times" said Beth Brelje, who wrote about the revelation for The Federalist, "You're supposed to fact-check everybody, but apparently they weren't doing that with Biden. I think we know that's true."
And not a surprise. It's just more of the leftist media's DNC propaganda.
"Propaganda's a really good description of what's going on here" Brelje told KTRH, "It's really disappointing, and it's just so important to understand the slant of the news your picking up."
Along with the hypocrisy. It's worth noting that most conservatives responded by saying, "who reads the NY Times"?
Photo: RichVintage / E+ / Getty Images