Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Omaha Area Sheriff Concerned About A 'Trend Game'

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Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Over the weekend the Douglas County Sheriff’s office was made aware of a trend game called "Senior Assassin" that has made its way to high schools in Douglas County.

In the game, students are assigned another student to ‘assassinate’, while they try to prevent being assassinated themselves.

Sheriff Aaron Hanson says he does not want to ruin young people having fun, but recently the game nearly turned fatal for a student playing in Florida as a homeowner mistook them for an armed burglar.

Hanson says in playing this game, be sure water guns are clearly recognizable and in no way mimic a real gun and stay off private or school property.

He also says be aware of your surroundings and how your actions could be perceived by those who may not know what you’re doing.

(Pictures from Getty Images)

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