Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Vont's Long East Coast Weekend In WAY MORE THAN Five Pics: (3/5/25-3/9/25)

It's also so therapeutic to go back home to New Jersey, even if not for the greatest of reasons. My Great Grandma passed away and it was sad because she lived with us for more than half of my life. The funeral was beautiful, I know she would've loved it. Here's a photo of us when I was maybe six years old.

Some photos from the repass - three generations of Leak men in this photo.

Here's my grandparents from my dad's side - my Pop Pop and Nana.

Mi papa and my beautiful sisters, Layla and Brielle.

LITERAL. TWINS. I'm gonna tell my kids these were the stars of Men In Black.

Saturday I was in New York and gosh do I miss visiting the city every week. I grabbed lunch with my friend Chap, we did a college morning show together which we do as a podcast now (Morning Commute, available on all streaming platforms). He goes to school at NYU but he works at Julliard so he gave me a tour of some of the bougieness there.

Then I spoke on a panel with other radio professionals to college kids looking to break into radio. This meant a lot to me because not even two years ago, I was at these panels trying to learn so to be on the other side is surreal now.

Got to meet Kadie Daye, another radio personality who I DM'd back when I was in college trying to break into the industry. It's crazy now all these years later we're friends.

Just a fun photo of my cousin Miya and youngest sister Layla, that we took after making a TikTok.

Sunday was my momma's birthday so before dropping me off at the airport, we went to lunch in Philly at a Puerto Rican restaurant. Here's my Grandma (the one that calls me Boom), my mom and my oldest sister, Bree.

Wow, you're still here! Thanks for checking out my long weekend in more than 5 photos. I'll have these on my Instagram if you wanna follow me so we can become friends @vontleak.

No new episode of my podcast this week since I was home with the fam bam but there's episodes available for you to stream anytime. Just search Morning Commute with Vont, Chap and Justis anywhere you listen to podcasts. You can follow our Instagram page too @morningcommutepod.

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"Lend a Helping Can."

Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
