Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Last Names As First Names Is The Hottest Trend For Babies

More moms and dads are turning to last names as inspo for naming their little ones. The hottest trend in baby names today is using last names as first names, according to Laura Wattenberg, creator of the website Namerology. But it turns out, it’s not a new idea.

“Many surnames are so well established in our first-name culture that we don’t even think of them as surnames at all,” the baby name expert explains. She points to names like Irving, Milton and Sidney, which were popular in the 1910s, and Kelly and Bradley, which were trendy in the 70s and Taylor and Courtney from the 90s.

Wattenberg says what’s hot right now are last names ending in “S,” like Collins, Brooks and Hayes, as well as names ending in “W,” like Harlow and Winslow, as well as “X,” like Lennox and Knox. Rock and roll names, like Jagger, Hendrix and Lennon are also big. She predicts one-syllable names, like Locke, Holt and Pen will be popular in the near future.

Last names that are becoming trendy for first names include:

  • Banks
  • Bowie
  • Cash
  • Hayes
  • Marlowe
  • Quinn
  • Wells

Last names that we’ll see as first names in the future include:

  • Beck
  • Calder
  • Jennings
  • Knight
  • Morrison
  • Slade
  • Sterling

Source: Today

Scott's Thoughts:

  • At least this trend is with timeless names that won’t go out of style anytime soon!
  • Blake is a good example of a first name that is also a last name!
  • Parents who had baby name regret - what name did you regret and what did you do about it?

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