Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Kari Garcia- tsp. baking company

Q: If you were talking to yourself on the first day you started your career, what would be the piece of advice you would give yourself on that first day?

A: Trust your team. You hired them for a reason. BUT train them like your life depends on it....CUZ IT DOES. Your team is a reflection of you. Take care of them...support them...life them UP!!! But be ready to help if they fall.

Q: What is a quote or saying you live by, and why?

A: "BE THE EXAMPLE.” I want to live every moment of my life IN THE MOMENT (not in the past or future) and REPRESENT the best version of myself every chance I get. I try to BE THE EXAMPLE of what I want the world to be: inclusive, loving, caring, uplifting, and KIND.

Q: How do you “shine” in your career/field in a unique market like Las Vegas?

A: I try to provide classic and also completely unique flavors of cookies, mini cupcakes, and cakes that you can't find anywhere else in Vegas...let alone THE WORLD. People travel from EVERYWHERE to visit tsp. to taste our incredible creations as well as see our GIANT disco ball...glitter floor...and hear the loud pop music that is ALWAYS playing to create the perfect vibe of our motto: HAPPINESS SERVED HERE.

tsp. baking company IS my brain: always loud, full of glitter, rainbows...and ABSOLUTELY THE BEST TIME. My joy is making others happy and helping them celebrate their birthdays/weddings/baby showers as well as providing a bit of sweet support for their other life events that may need some extra sweetness to make it all less painful to endure.

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Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
