It's hard to believe, but today marks the 4-year anniversary of Rush Limbaugh's death. The talk radio & political icon passed away in 2021, and many conservatives not only miss him, they wonder what he would have thought of Trump's landslide reelection win, and everything else that is going on right now.
"I think he would have been very happy with the election of Trump, and more specifically with what happened in the country" said political commentator, Silvio Canto Jr., "It's one of the things that I miss the most, I used to listen to him every day."
A lot of us did, including president Trump.
"There is nobody like Rush" Trump told FOX News, "Rush is irreplaceable, unique, but he was a fantastic man, and a fantastic talent."
And also, Rush was way ahead of everybody else, as we heard in one of his final interviews with KTRH's Sean Hannity.
"He's somebody that is fearless and willing to fight against the things that no Republican has been willing to fight against or defend" Limbaugh said, "They can't get over the fact that he's likeable because they hate him, they despise him."
We can only imagine what else Rush would have to say about the Democrats and the left, today!
Photo: Mark Wilson / Getty Images News / Getty Images