Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


How To ‘Make Texas Housing Affordable Again’

We all know about making America great again, making America healthy again, and then there's 'Making Texas Housing Affordable Again', which is something former state senator and gubernatorial candidate, Don Huffines is promoting at the Huffines Liberty Foundation.

"I never thought I would see it like it is today" said Huffines, "They're trying to turn Texas into California, and these are Republicans that are doing it."

Texas is a red state, but when it comes to local government and homes, it's all about the green.

"We've got to get government out of the way" Huffines told KTRH, "It's the zoning, it's the bureaucrats, it's all the fees that the government is putting on the home builders that drive the cost up. They're trying to make housing very unaffordable forever in the state of Texas."

Specifically with over-taxation and overregulation.

"Government's the problem and that's the fundamental issue affecting housing" noted Huffines, who is calling on the Texas legislature to take some action as well, this session.

Excited About Their New Home

Photo: FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images

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