Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Drake generously gave two audience couples each $20,000 for a dream trip

Singer rapper Drake apparently felt generous during one of his Anita Max Wynn Tour stops.

A viral clip shows the rapper giving away $20,000 each to two couples in the audience at his concert in Perth, Australia.

“You guys are from Perth—I don’t know where you’ve been in your life," he said. "But for both of y’all, I’m gonna give you $20,000 each to go wherever you want in the world because that’s what we do out here in Perth. You gotta show love."

An extended video of the moment showed Drizzy also saying, “It’s nights like these that we can never take for granted. It’s 14,000 people inside one building, and we all got here safe.” See the videos below.

Cleveland Cavaliers v Houston Rockets

Photo: Carmen Mandato / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

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