Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Dog Saves Owner With 16 Broken Bones After Ski Accident

Dave Cameron set out for a ski run behind his cabin near Collingwood, Ontario, with his golden retriever, Phoebe. On his fourth descent, his ski clipped a fallen log, sending him crashing into a maple tree. When he regained consciousness, he realized he’d broken several bones (he’d later learn it was 16 broken bones), including ribs and his collarbone, and was unable to reach his phone for help as temperatures dropped below zero.

With no other option, Dave urged Phoebe to go home, hoping her arrival alone would alert his family. Instead, the dog hesitated, then began leading him uphill step by step. Despite excruciating pain and a punctured lung, Dave focused on following her slow-moving tail, inching forward as she patiently guided him along a manageable route toward safety.

After a grueling climb, Phoebe stopped at the cabin door, where Dave’s family found him and rushed him to the hospital. Doctors confirmed his severe injuries, but fortunately there was no permanent damage. Now fully healed, Dave is convinced that Phoebe’s presence and determination saved his life.


photo: GETTY

Golden retriever dog running on fresh snow

Photo: Maya Karkalicheva / Moment / Getty Images

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