Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Netherlands Encouraging Their Kids To Start Taking Risks When Playing

Authorities in the Netherlands are dealing with sedentary kids by taking a page from the GenX kid experience. Instead of “soft play,” children are going to playgrounds where risk-taking play is encouraged. That includes cooking things over a campfire…which sees the food go up in flames at times. The kids can climb, play with water and fire, roll in mud, sword-fight with sticks, build with hammers, rope or knives, wrestle and fall.The guidelines say “Rufty-tufty playing means that children might get a bump or a cut,” according to the policy… but it’s an acceptable risk.” The idea is to prepare children to deal with stresses that get thrown at them throughout life.

Boy and girl playing with cycle and pull wagon.

Photo: H. Armstrong Roberts / Retrofile RF / Getty Images

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