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Doral Police Introduce Aggressive Driving Unit To Combat Reckless Road

Enraged man shaking fist through windscreen: road rage

Photo: RapidEye / E+ / Getty Images

Doral, FL - The Doral Police Department has established a specialized Aggressive Driving Unit (ADU) aimed at curbing reckless driving and road-rage incidents within the city in a proactive move to enhance road safety.

Announced on Monday, the ADU is dedicated to identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting drivers who allegedly engage in aggressive and hazardous behaviors on Doral's roads.

The unit will focus on offenses such as speeding, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, running red lights, and road-rage incidents.

Officers assigned to the ADU will increase their presence in areas with high rates of aggressive driving incidents.

Additionally, the unit will enforce regulations pertaining to commercial vehicles, uphold disabled parking restrictions, and ensure safety in school zones.

"Our commitment to public safety is unwavering, and the ADU reflects our zero-tolerance approach to reckless behavior on our roads," stated Doral Mayor Christi Fraga.

"This unit will be instrumental in tackling aggressive driving, ensuring safer streets, and fostering a more enjoyable driving experience for all in our community."

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