Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


County Judge Removes Anti-Trump Graffiti From Bridge

Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough got his hands dirty to remove anti-Trump graffiti on a local bridge this week.

Judge Keough said he received dozens of complaints from people about the graffiti on the River Plantation Drive bridge. So, he reached out to the Texas Department of Transportation to get some tools to remove the graffiti from the bridge located at Interstate 45 and River Plantation Drive in Conroe.

“Because of the expedited need to get this done and how busy TxDOT is with construction projects, I asked them to give me the materials, and I would get it done myself,” Keough said in his post on Facebook.

Keough said graffiti and vandalism won’t be tolerated in his county.

“If you are caught vandalizing public or private property, you will be arrested and prosecuted,” said Keough. “I want to thank the citizens who reached out to me and brought this to my attention so we could fix the issue.”

Punishments for vandalism vary depending on the severity. State law lists vandalism from a Class C misdemeanor to a first-degree felony.

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