Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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The country is back on track to real racial and gender equality

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-28-25

My friends-we are starting to get a growing number of scholars, academics, and experts who are marveling at President Trump’s so-called ‘DEI orders’ from last week.

At first blush-it was obvious what they did: they ended the worst and most recent sorts of discriminations that the Biden regime and the democrat party had injected into our federal agencies over the Obama and Biden years.

But as the experts dig deeper into the language of the orders and start to review them more carefully-what they are finding -is that trump and the people of people who he had craft these orders....are brilliantly bringing an end to the decades of racial and preferential divisions that the democrats started to bake into the American pie since the late 60s....and move us toward a truer version of being a color-blind and merit-based society.

Seriously, All sorts of smart experts and insiders are starting to say: my god, Trump didn’t just end DEI. He just put the country back on the path that Martin Luther King was really talking about a society in which no one is special because of ‘who they are’ or ‘what they look like’ but are, instead, based on character and merit.

I heard some Liberals whining about this on Thursday, insisting that trump should not be ordering his justice department or other agencies to investigate local and state governments and private companies to force this new compliance onto them.

My response to that is: Obama and Eric Holder used the justice department and the IRS and every other federal agency that they could to force their leftist changes onto local police departments and state governments, etc.

This can’t be a one-way street on which the left gets to force their agenda into every part of govt and culture.... but we, on our side, can’t.

We have never seen a bigger abuse of our govt agencies than under Obama and Biden to force this DEI and ‘special status’ crappola into our government and onto our private businesses...

And so...if trump is threatening to use those same powers to strip it all away: tough.  

Once again-the democrats set the rules, here. They can stop whining when those rules are finally used against them.

And as for the fact that trump and his team just, finally, after 60 years, put us back on the path toward a colorblind society of the sort MLK spoke of-

Well- even trump-haters are admitting this is a major achievement if it takes hold, over time. Some of it will be challenged in court, yes, but with a conservative, originalist court in place, most of it will survive.

Moreover- we are finally at a place in history in which ‘the majority’ of Americans want it to survive: most people in this country, regardless of color, really are ready to move toward that ‘colorblind’ and ‘genderblind’ society in which everyone’s treated equally. And I think they also understand that we ‘never’ get there with DEI or affirmative action plans that simply make so-called ‘under-represented groups’- singled out as special and elevated beyond the rest of us.

We never arrive at ‘equality’ that way, and I think we all know it: even the race hustlers who push this stuff.

 ‘Something’ has changed here, after all the bullying and woke, corrupt moralizing of the Biden years.

This does seem like an inflection point when it comes to race, gender, and ‘special statuses’ in America.

And if trump’s ‘ending’ of all the gender and racial preference nonsense in governments and in the boardroom really does have time to take hold and become the new norm-

Hopefully thru another 4 to 8 years of President JD Vance or Ron DeSantis-

It would represent a momentous cultural change and one of Donald Trump’s greatest achievements as president.

And I say ‘if’...because we’ve got a long way to go with this. The follow thru and the ‘genuine death’ of all this leftist mullarkey needs to follow....as every left-wing activist that’s embedded in govt, and academia tries to stop it.

Rooting out the left-wing activists atop the govt agencies is going to be the most effective way-short term-to combat this...and Trump’s team is starting that process, too.

Even after week one, most people agree that Donald trump has delt a near-fatal blow to DEI and racial and gender preferences in govt.

Businesses wanting to stay out of DEI is good. I believe the corporate bullying that the left-wing activist groups have done during the Obama, first Trump, and Biden eras is going to end rather abruptly, here.

In part due to that supreme court DEI ruling, in part due to Trump’s major actions last week, and in part-because most companies and their CEOs never wanted to be bullied in this manner, in the first place.

Do you know there’s an actual-and very real-‘cost savings’ to these companies as they drop DEI?

The compliance costs for all this nonsense were significant-both inside and outside of government.

I haven’t seen an accurate estimate of what DEI and affirmative action compliance costs are to

US businesses every year-but it’s got to be billions of dollars-

I-do-have an estimate of how much stripping this crap out of our federal government is going to save US taxpayers, though. And it’s 420-million dollars.

This estimate comes from Elon Musk and DOGE. They’re counting this as an early doge win:

We talked about that last week: the ATF and a few other agencies were caught changing the titles of their DEI officers to preserve their jobs or keep the wokeism going.

That’s not going to work because, as i explained last week, most govt employees don’t want to sit thru these DEI seminars and/or put up with this woke DEI crap at work- even if they vote democrat- and so, any attempts to keep this nonsense going will quickly be rooted out.

I don’t know about you, but if I was a federal worker and my boss said, ‘okay, DEI is out, but i we are going to continue to honor each other’s pronouns in this office’- I’d even blow the whistle on that.  Nope, if we are done with this crap, we are done with this crap...

And I suspect all sorts of federal employees will feel the same way. There’s going to be at least one squealer in every office or department- if the left-wing Nazis embedded in govt try to keep this going.

And no amount of whining is going to save it, either.

I believe it’s the Wall St Journal, today, that has a story about how: trump might have just declared there are only too sexes...but...ugh! Hugh...does that lead to a lot of headaches now, across govt.

My response to that would be tough. 

This is now the left-trying to whine about how ‘difficult’ Trump is making things or use the old ‘it’s just not that easy’ line. And...

Yes, it is.

This honestly must be the reaction to all of this complaining by we ‘regular Americans’. You screwed up the system in the first place, so you don’t get to whine when we fix it’.

Because that’s what all this whining amounts to- and we are going to see it repeatedly as trump and the GOP correct things.

Their argument is literally going to be we can’t change things because we on the left have bleeped it all up so badly.

That is literally the main complaint in this article: but we have bleeped this up so badly over the last decade that you we can’t go back and fix it.  

Screw you. We can, too....

Must be the response from the rest of us.

As Trump and Vance said last week: these moves are being made to restore public safety, moral, and trust in government, itself. They are necessary.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > The country is back on track to real racial and gender equality


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