Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Mayor Whitmire Ends Houston's Telework Policy

City hall with skyscrapers in Houston city, Texas - USA

Photo: iStockphoto

Mayor John Whitmire is continuing to shake things up at city hall. He recently announced that he would be ending the City of Houston's work-from-home policy. It wasn't at the top of his to-do list, but it is likely to be a big boost for city efficiency.

Charles Blaine, President of Urban Reform, says, "I think they're kind of looking at the efficiency of the city, and also what's best for the taxpayers. At the same time, they're also going through an 'efficiency audit,' if you will."

Blaine says this will also help ensure clear communication between department directors and their subordinates, aiding the city in running as smoothly as possible.

He also said that this will address concerns about city resources, like real estate, that have gone unused over the last several years. He said, "The city has a lot of real estate around the city that is owned by the local government. So are they maximizing it, and using it as efficiently as possible?"

The telework program will officially end on February 1st, which means some 1,600 city employees who were enrolled in the program will be required to return to the office.

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