Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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How Will The Mainstream Media Operate During Trump's Second Term?

With just a handful of days to go until Donald Trump returns to office, there have only been a handful of mainstream media mea culpa's, including one recently by the Washington Post.

Maybe it's because they really haven't learned anything over the last 8+years.

"They claim to have some type of honest reflection about how they're operating, and then go back and do exactly what they have been doing, which is cater to the so-called resistance and then undermine Trump at every opportunity" said Tristan Justice, national correspondent for The Federalist.

Which we means, we can expect more of the same biased, one-sided coverage that has been the 'mainstream' since 2016.

"I think it's going to be wilder than the first term, even with all these supposed reflections on how they've been operating" Justice told KTRH, "I think the hysteria you're going to see from the legacy press in the second term is going to be much more elevated, than from the first term."

This is even after, Trump's landslide win.

"Donald Trump offends these people on such a personal level for some reason" noted Justice, "I think the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is going to be even more hysterical."

He adds that the real issue is not with the op-eds or commentators, but with the reporting of the 'news' which is still anti-Trump.

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Speaks To The Press In Palm Beach, Florida

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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