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Racist Karen Declares 'I Don't Listen To Black People' In Doctor's Office

Photo: Getty Images

A viral TikTok video shows a white patient refusing to speak to a Black receptionist at a doctor's office in Indiana because of her race.

In the video, the patient, who is being dubbed a "Karen," shared her racist views with a white staff member as she ignored the Black receptionist in front of her in the waiting area of a clinic.

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak to Black people,” the patient said.

An employee removed the patient from the situation and condemned her rhetoric.

“We don’t accept that kind of talk here,” the staffer told the woman.

“Oh, well, I need to be seen by my doctor,” the patient responded.

The video ended with the patient and an employee taking their conversation outside the waiting area.

The bystander who recorded the video explained that she began to film the situation after the patient called the receptionist the N-word.

"Crazy interaction with RACIST LADY!! why is always something everytime im here," the TikToker captioned the video.

Watch the incident unfold below.

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