Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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Top Trends: Astrology for picking your perfect wedding date in 2025

Astrology is becoming increasingly popular for planning wedding dates in 2025. Couples who are into astrology are choosing dates based on planetary movements and their own birth charts to ensure their marriage starts on a positive note.

My podcast co-host, Thomas Miller, who is a professional astrologer, and I actually did an episode on this topic! You can listen to it at the link below:

But wait, there's more! According to experts like Jessica Hennessey in Bride magazine, couples should also consider numerology when planning their weddings in 2025. Jessica mentions that the year 2025 carries the vibrational energy of nine, symbolizing fulfillment, unity, and the completion of cycles—perfect for a new beginning in marriage. She highlights that 4/5/25 (a Saturday) and 8/8/2025 (a Friday) are popular dates. The former's ascending numeric sequence represents growth, while the latter's digits signify abundance and balance.Astrology and Numerology: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Date in 2025

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