Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


New Poll Shows How Most Americans Will Remember Biden's Presidency

President Biden Delivers Oval Office Address To Nation

Photo: Getty Images

More than half of Americans believe Joe Biden's presidency will be historically viewed as "poor" or "below average," according to a new poll conducted by Gallup.

The survey, which was released on Tuesday (January 7), reported that 37% of respondents said Biden was a "below average" president, while 17% said he'd be remembered as a "poor" leader. Only 6% of respondents claimed Biden did an "outstanding" job as president, 13% said he was "above average" and 26% said he was an "average" president.

Biden had a -35 percentage point net positive rating, which was among the lowest of the 10 presidents surveyed by Gallup. Richard Nixon was the only former president to have a lower net positive rating than Biden at -42 percentage points. President-elect Donald Trump had a -4 percentage point rating from his first term, which included a 40% positive and 44% negative rating.

John F. Kennedy had the highest net positive rating of any former president at +68 percentage points.

Biden's ratings were even tepid among Democrat respondents with a majority 54% saying he would be remembered as "average" to "poor," while 44% believed his legacy would be considered "above average" to "outstanding."

“Biden’s fellow Democrats are less enthusiastic about his presidency than they are about other recent Democratic presidents, and Biden is the only recent Democratic president who currently has a net-negative evaluation among independents,” Gallup wrote in its 'Bottom Line' summary.

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