Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


WHOI Scientists Say Pilgrim Wastewater Could Remain In CC Bay For A Month

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution say proposed wastewater discharge from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station could remain in Cape Cod Bay for at least a month after release.

The findings are based on a model of the circulation patterns around Cape Cod Bay, its seasonal variability and response to wind.

Oceanographer Irina Rypina says the spreading patterns of a plume would depend on the timing of a release.

The study found virtually no out-of-the-Bay transport in winter and fall and a slightly larger - but still low - probability of some of the plume exiting the Bay in spring and summer.

(Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP via Getty Images)

A group of sailors on a boat in the wate

Photo: DON EMMERT / AFP / Getty Images

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