Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Is It An Impressive World Record Or Just An Excuse For Time Away?

Am I wrong here, not being impressed with this World Record attempt?

Rüdiger Koch is a German aerospace engineer who has been living in an underwater habitat off the coast of Panama for the last 60 days. His goal is to do 60 more and get the Guinness World Record for the most time spent living in an underwater habitat. It's not like he's in a wetsuit with a scuba tank. He's down in a 322 square foot building with food and water, a computer, internet, TV, an exercise bike and a toilet.

Watch the video about it, Rüdiger even says that it's not so tough. I could do 4 months in there no problem! Sure it would suck not to have a shower, but otherwise, this would be a piece of cake. I'd catch up on all of the movies and tv shows and video games that I don't have time to play because of work and life. This would be the best vacation ever!

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Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
