Photo: Getty Images North America
As January 20th approaches, Donald Trump is making it clear to America’s neighbors to the North and South that he is very much in charge again. Tariffs have been discussed with Mexico and Canada in an attempt to tighten up the porous borders. At the same time, the migrant issues have been summarized in the appearance of an unaccompanied two-year-old girl holding up a note saying where she should go. Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino feels Trump’s approach to fix the border is the right one. He appeared on the WOR Morning Show to say the world has two months to get ready for a new way of doing things.
“There’s a new sheriff in town,” Astorino told host Larry Mendte, “a sheriff that’s actually going to enforce things, put America first, and actually be awake during the workday. I think it’s important that they understand that things are changing. Look, they’ve been through this before, right, so they understand that he does back his stuff up. Mexico has left the door wide open. They just let the caravans come in; just walk right through. Obviously, the big story today is that little two-year-old who had a note, and they just sent her on her way. It’s so sad the number of people who have been trafficked… let alone the fentanyl and all the other drugs that are coming in from the north, as well, and that’s why he’s pointing his finger at Canada, too.”
Unfortunately, Astorino says the left is already drawing up its response to Trump’s plan to close the border and remove migrants. “They’re going to say, ‘Oh my God, that poor little girl, and that poor little and abuela, Grandma, and everybody else. How could you do this? You inhumane monster, you.’ And then they’re going to ratchet up all the sob stories and the court cases and everything else and make it more difficult for the United States to deport. That’s what they’re going to do; the script is already being written. You can just play it out. So, that little girl is a symbol right now of everything that’s broken, but then she’s going to be a symbol for the left of how inhumane Donald Trump is and the government is.”
Photo Credit: Getty Images