Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


The "Trump Is Hitler" Argument May Have Hit A New Low In "He Said" Article

Photo: Getty Images North America

On Tuesday, an article in The Atlantic claimed that Donald Trump offered praise for German dictator Adolf Hitler, saying that history’s greatest monster “did some good things.” The article went on to state that Trump said he “need[ed] the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.” The writer of the piece cited “two people heard him say this” and quoted former Trump chief-of-staff John Kelly as another detractor who compared Trump to Hitler. Trump supporters, however, quickly pointed out a laundry list of reasons why the article’s credibility is hard to swallow.

ABC News correspondent Sarah Isgur has offered her opinion before on “he said/she said” reporting; she appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to reiterate why she is wary to believe what she reads in a story that uses anonymous sources.

“If you’re asking who to believe here, this is why I want to make a pitch why nobody should trust anonymous sources,” Isgur told Berman and Riedel. “I’ve worked with John Kelly; I’ve never known John Kelly to lie. I don’t know whether he’s telling the truth here. I wasn’t in the room for those conversations, but John Kelly’s an honorable guy. The people that are denying it- I’ve known them to lie.”

Isgur also says fears that the 2024 election could be stolen are baseless, as there are safeguards to prevent that from happening. “Actually, a lot has been done since 2020 that will make that very difficult, frankly, no matter which side you’re on. Congress passed the Electoral Count Reform Act. Basically, it puts a lot of power in the governors. The other issue is this idea that these county officials, for instance, could just refuse to certify the vote. That may cause chaos in the media, if you know what I mean, this narrative of chaos, but actually courts have dealt with this for a long time. If a county official has no discretion- they must certify the vote and they chose not to- we just make them do it or we fire them and find someone else who will.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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