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A Lot Of Us Would Rather Live With Ghosts Than Next To Political Neighbors

Halloween and the election are just weeks away now, but new research suggests ghosts and ghouls aren’t what scares Americans most. It turns out, while a lot of people believe in the supernatural, they’re more spooked by political tensions these days.

A new survey of 1,000 U.S. adults by Real Estate Witch Reveals that 42% of Americans would rather live in a real haunted house than next door to outspoken conservative Republicans, while 36% would rather live in a haunted house than next door to outspoken progressive Democrats.

  • More than half would prefer living with ghosts than in a house with frequent power outages (58%), or with constant construction noise (56%), or that has bad cell reception (48%).
  • Three-quarters believe a house can be haunted and 37% have experienced unexplainable events in their home.
  • Another 14% believe they’ve even lived in a truly haunted house and 89% of them had no idea it was haunted when they moved in.
  • So, how did they discover the house was haunted? They heard strange noises (66%), felt like they were being touched or watched (52%), saw strange shadows around the home (47%), had eerie or haunted feelings in certain rooms (43%) or even had ghost sightings (40%).
  • Nearly two-thirds (65%) wouldn’t feel comfortable living with ghosts, but 72% admit they could be swayed to buy a haunted house if the price was lower.
  • Only 22% of Americans say that rumors a house is haunted would be a dealbreaker for buying it, compared to 67% who say the same about living near a nuclear waste facility.
  • But 46% of Americans who haven’t lived in a haunted house wouldn’t buy one under ANY circumstances.

Source: Real Estate Witch

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