Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


John Kobylt's Voter Guide To The November Election

Photo: John Kobylt

Here is the official John Kobylt Show Voter Guide with help from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and former State Sen. John Moorlach

PRESIDENT: Donald Trump
With Trump, you know exactly what he’ll do on a large number of issues, since he already did it for four years. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has run the emptiest, most vapid and vacuous campaign we’ve ever seen.

SENATE: Steve Garvey
For the two-month unexpired term and the six-year term. Garvey is sincere in his beliefs. Adam Schiff will go to the Liars Hall of Fame for his Russian Collusion hoax.


Hochman will simply go back to the basics: Put criminals in prison. George Gascon will go down in history as the worst, most destructive D.A. in Los Angeles history. A horrible failure.

LA CITY COUNCIL - 14th District

SHOCKER ENDORSEMENT! John is endorsing Kevin De Leon for City Council. John would not normally endorse De Leon, but his opponent, Ysabel Jurado is a radical, self-described socialist that was just caught on tape saying 'F*** The Police' in reference to LAPD funding.


Prop 2: NO
It’s borrowing 10 billion dollars for public schools because so much money is thrown away on teacher salaries and pensions. And the majority of students are still below grade level for math and reading.

Prop 3: YES
It allows two adults to marry, regardless of sex, which aligns the Constitution with California law. In reality, it changes nothing.

Prop 4: NO
We have tremendous debt in this state. Here, we’ll spend another 10 billion borrowed dollars for vague “climate” programs plus water and fire projects. It’s a racket. No guarantee this will help anyone except those who get paid by the organizations that get the money.

Prop 5: NO! NO! NO!
The worst one on the ballot. This is a disaster. It allows local bond proposals to pass with 55 percent of the vote instead of a 2/3 vote. This will lead to an avalanche of property tax increases.

Prop 32: NO
Raises the minimum wage to $18 by Jan. 1st. You know what happens. People get fired and prices go up. If you don’t like your salary, get some betters skills or an education.

Prop 33: NO
This would greatly expand rent control. It would lead to less rental housing. If an owner can’t control the rental price, no one will build new apartments.

Prop 34: YES
This restricts nonprofits that get federal funding from spending the money on political activity. They’d have to spend it on patient care.

Prop 35: No opinion

Prop 36: YES
This is the most important proposition, by far. Repeals a large part of Prop 47. Makes repeated theft a felony. Makes repeat drug use a felony, and gives the option of going for treatment instead of jail. Creates felonies for fentanyl dealing.


Measure A: NO! NEVER!
This doubles the homeless sales tax and makes it permanent. Ever since voters agreed to the original temporary sales tax, the number of vagrants has skyrocketed. Like Gascon, a complete failure!

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