Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


What Remote Workers Do All Day, Besides Actual Work

Without colleagues nearby to gossip with or wasting time on a long commute, remote and hybrid workers must be a lot more productive, right? While that may be true for some, all of them aren’t using all of their time for work. And a new survey offers insights into what remote workers really do all day, besides actually working.

According to the SurveyMonkey poll of more than 3-thousand full-time employees:

  • Remote workers are flexible with their tech, as 76% use their personal devices for work-related tasks and 39% do personal activities on work devices.
  • Nearly half (46%) admit to multitasking during a work call or doing household chores, like laundry or unloading the dishwasher, during work hours.
  • One in three (32%) reveal they’ve taken a “quiet vacation” - completing work while traveling without officially taking time off or telling their employer - at least once within the last year
  • A third take advantage of the flexibility to run errands, including picking up dry cleaning or going to the grocery store.
  • A few are even sleeping on the job, with one in five admitting to taking a nap during the work day.
  • Some remote workers have worked from another location without telling anyone (17%) or watched TV or played video games on the clock.
  • And 4% have even worked on another job while working remotely.
  • During work calls, about a third have used the bathroom, 21% have scrolled social media and 14% did online shopping.
  • And it’s not just low-level employees who are slacking. More than half of managers and 49% of execs say they multitask on work calls, while 20% have browsed social media during a video or conference call.
  • But there are some downsides to working from home, as 35% say the thing they miss most about the office is connecting with coworkers and 19% say the communication with team members is better when working in person.

Source: USA Today

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