Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Van Halen Gives Fans A Classic Performance

Van Halen dropped the video for their performance of Judgement Day, as part of their push of the expanded edition of their hit album For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge!

The boxed set comes with the remastered version of the album,

"plus a previously unreleased live show from the West End Marketplace Dallas, TX on 12/4/91, as well as previously unreleased alternate versions of their hits “Right Now” & “The Dream Is Over.” states the Van Halen press release.

You get two LP's with a cool VH logo etched on side 4, 2 CD's, a Blu-ray of the Dallas performance, and remastered versions of the hit videos, "Poundcake", "Right Now", "Top Of The World", and the "Runaround" which they released on YouTube!

The title For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, comes from the old days when people were put in stockades for social crimes, in this case the crime of having sex with someone who is not your spouse. The crime would be titled above the head of the person in the form of an abbreviation that spells out the curse word we today know as the F word.

The album was the ninth for Van Halen, but it's 3rd with Sammy Hagar, after "5150" and "OU812". The album debuted at number 1 on the Billboard charts where it stayed for three weeks, and marked the first time producer Ted Templeman worked with the band since "1984," when he left with former singer David Lee Roth during their split.

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