Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


What We REALLY Want For Valentine’s Day

It’s not too late to get a Valentine’s Day gift for your love, but getting the right gift for them is never easy. Well, the good news is that it doesn’t look like most people expect, or want, anything too extravagant.

A new YouGov poll finds:

  • The most likely response to what folks want for Valentine’s Day is a card, a top choice for 30% of respondents.
  • The other top things people want for Valentine’s include:
    • Nice dinner out (28%)
    • Chocolate & candy (27%)
    • Flowers (22%)
    • Homemade meal or baked goods (20%)
    • Jewelry (16%)
    • Certificate for a massage or spa day (14%)
    • Wine or liquor (13%)
    • Clothing or lingerie (12%)
    • Electronics (12%)
    • Something homemade (12%)
  • And there are plenty of people who want things that you don’t have to even purchase.
  • One gift is likely to make both parties happy, with 17% saying they want sexual favors for Valentine’s Day.
  • And 9% of folks just want their daily household work, like chores, taken care of.
  • 18% of people actually don’t want anything at all. 

Of course, what people want for Valentine’s does differ by gender.

  • For example, 34% of women want flowers compared to only 10% of men.
  • Way more women are likely to want jewelry compared to men (25% vs 7%).
  • And not surprising, 22% of men want sexual favors, while only 11% of women do.
  • Also, 14% of women want their chores taken care of, while only 6% of men do.
  • Men are also more likely to say they want nothing compared to women (21% vs. 15%) 

Source: YouGov

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